Game and music by Cheez26

My first Pico-8 game that actually doesn't suck. Yay.

In all seriousness, I made this game using this outdated tutorial instead of the fancy new shmup tutorial by Lazy Devs Academy. However, I did take notes from some of the new tutorial. So, shout out to the Lazy Dev Academy anyway.

Also, since this is a Pico-8 game, it'll be available on  the Lexaloffle BBS as well. Yeah.

Anyway, the objective of the game is to shoot down two types of enemies and rack up points. Simple enough. However, one of the two enemies takes more than one hit, so you better shoot 'em down quickly. When your heart reaches 0 and you get hit by an enemy one last time after 0, it's game over.

Have fun!

Special thanks to all the Lazy Devs out there as well as the Pico-8 official Discord server for helping me make this game possible.

Development log

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